Zone Campfire
Monday, May 24, 2004
Relighting the campfire
In 2002 we lost our dear friend, John Weaver, who created ZoneHome and gave many of us a safe place to discuss our eating patterns, a lower carb lifestyle and maybe even a hunter-gatherer way of looking at the world. In 2004 we lost the ZoneHome campfire to a commercial interest.

This BLOG is a place where the ZH community can just meet and talk together. It is not an exclusive community. Anyone is welcome to come up to the campfire and join the discussion. We focus on health, exercise, balanced living, and something like a Zone Diet model of eating. Ideas and comments are always welcome. We only ask that you would treat others here as you would like to be treated. There are other places on the web to throw stones. Here we just want to talk and share around the campfire. If that sounds good, please feel free to join in.
Good to see smiling cyberfaces! BLOG is shortened from Web-log. Users shifted that to "we blog". BLOGs are often just musings or journalings from individuals who open their thoughts to the world.

Several free hosts for BLOGs have popped up on the web, and it is a nice place for a controlled discussion board. This BLOG doesn't have the libraries of the old ZH, or the search capabilities, but at least it is a place where we can commune.

As to the demise of ZH, I mentioned it in my opening post. We lost the domain registration (I expect the bills for same were still going to JohnW's widow), and it was sniped by a commercial site to use as their own platform. If you have url'd you know what I mean. It is sad, but there is a season for everything.

If any of you know the Email addresses of old ZH'rs, send them a note with this url so they can join the campfire.

BTW, one of the advantages here is that I can cancel the membership of any troublemakers (or commercial interests) who drop by. I won't mention any examples of course, but if life gives you Lemmons, make lemmonade.
By the way, anyone can comment on any topic thread by hitting the comment button, but to post a new topic, you must be a member of the BLOG. Everyone who comments with civility will be invited to become a member via EMail. Those who abuse the Blog will be suspended from membership. There is no desire to make this an exclusive place, in fact we are posted on search engines. We just want to make this campfire a pleasant one to visit.
i was wondering whatever happened to zonehome..glad to see ya'll are still around... a lurker sometime poster Debra
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