Zone Campfire
Thursday, July 01, 2004
Interesting Articles
This one comes from Lyn, and it focuses on GL and acid in a meal:

Have you seen any new articles that would add to the discussion?
Monday, June 14, 2004
Embers Beginning to Glow
It is so good to see the list of contributors increasing! There is an old parable about a circuit rider preacher who had several parishes on the frontier. While visiting one, he noticed that one of the older church members hadn't been to church in years. He got on his horse and rode out to the old man's cabin.

The old hermit opened the door and welcomed the parson silently, and they both sat in front of the warm fire not saying a word. The preacher took the poker from the hearth and used it to pull a white-hot coal from the fire out onto the front of the hearth. Slowly the ember cooled to red, then black. The preacher then pushed it back with the poker next to the other glowing embers. Soon it was white-hot once again.

The old man ushered the circuit rider to the door and said, "See you in church Sunday, parson."

It is good to see the embers beginning to glow again.

-Bill E.
Tuesday, June 08, 2004
Low Carb Product Proliferation
The bevy of new commercial foodstuffs in the low-carb arena, due to the upswing in Atkins, can be of benefit to Zoners, South Beachers, etc., but there are some danger zones.

Neither the Zone or South Beach encourage unlimited fat consumption, or use of large quantities of saturated fats. Many of the low-carb foods, candies, etc depend on fats to improve palatability and texture. Caveat emptor

Some great new items I've added to my pantry are Special K- Low Carb, Total- low carb, Hood's Low carb dairy drink (very tasty low-carb milk alternative)Orowheat Carb-control bread and Smuckers no sugar added preserves. The best thing about all these products is that they are on regular supermarket shelves.

What are your new supermarket finds?

-Bill E.
Saturday, May 29, 2004
On Posting
If you are new to the Zone Campfire, you can comment on any posted topic by clicking the "comment" button. Folks who visit will be invited to join the BLOG. It's free and doesn't involve getting on mailing lists or receiving EMails about enlarging body parts. If you choose to join you will be able to post new topics.

To post a new topic, click the "PowerBlog" button near the bottom o f the page and hit "New Post" when given the option. You will be a member of the Campfire as long as you like and as long as you are civil to others here.
Wednesday, May 26, 2004
What are you reading?
I've been reading The South Beach Diet recently, and I find Agatston interesting but not in a breakthrough kind of way. There is now another diet book along the same lines from a doc in the Hamptons. Apparently every MD from a chi-chi community has to write a diet book whether he or she has anything new to say.

I've also been reading The Purpose Driven Life, by Rick Warren, in conjunction with a study series we're doing. I find it a helpful book even though I don't agree with Warren on several things.

For fun I've been re-reading The Martian Chronicles. I hadn't read it since eighth grade, and it is still a work of art.

Tuesday, May 25, 2004
As you can see, I changed the layout template already. This one isn't as pretty, but it allows more room for discussion. Our look may change many times before we settle down around the campfire.
Monday, May 24, 2004
South Beach Anyone?
Just wondering if anyone has been trying the South Beach Diet? My Administrative Asst. has been doing it since the first of the year and she has lost 38 pounds so far. I've done a little bit of beaching, and I am very impressed with the terrific recipes in both the main book and the cookbook. Dr. Agatston has compiled recipes from the best chef's in Miami. The approach is very Zonelike with less fear of whole grains.
Relighting the campfire
In 2002 we lost our dear friend, John Weaver, who created ZoneHome and gave many of us a safe place to discuss our eating patterns, a lower carb lifestyle and maybe even a hunter-gatherer way of looking at the world. In 2004 we lost the ZoneHome campfire to a commercial interest.

This BLOG is a place where the ZH community can just meet and talk together. It is not an exclusive community. Anyone is welcome to come up to the campfire and join the discussion. We focus on health, exercise, balanced living, and something like a Zone Diet model of eating. Ideas and comments are always welcome. We only ask that you would treat others here as you would like to be treated. There are other places on the web to throw stones. Here we just want to talk and share around the campfire. If that sounds good, please feel free to join in.

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